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This is a unique offer to ALL Invictus School students, students at feeder primary schools as well as prospective students of Invictus secondary schools as part of The Big Strings Project, or BSP.  Tuition takes place as part of a large group and we also provide free instruments (Violin, Viola and Cello).


The BSP is a collaboration with Dudley Performing Arts string specialists as well as our own in house music teachers


At the moment the BSP is based at Wombourne High School. Sessions are 6.30pm – 8pm every Tuesday during term time, in the music room. We are carefully monitoring the ever changing situation with COVID-19, our prediction is that BSP sessions will hopefully resume later in the Autumn term.  Although the BSP is free, we do ask that you support your child at our regular concerts.  We do realise that Wombourne High School is quite a long way from some of our more westerly schools, so depending on uptake we may be able to provide a rotation to a different area on a two-weekly basis.


We should make clear that this opportunity is available to all students – no matter what ability level they are. We have capacity to run several groups at the same time because we are in the fortunate position of older students, who are also expert string players, being able to mentor younger ones. Advanced students are in turn presented with challenging bespoke material.


If you wish to register your child for membership of the BSP, please email Peter Wingate at You will need to provide your child’s name, school, age and preferred instrument choice as well as your own contact details. 


We look forward to hearing from you.


School Life

Big Strings Project

Invictus Education Trust. Registered address: Invictus Headquarters, Kinver High School, Enville Road, Kinver, South Staffs, England DY7 6AA.


A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales  (company number: 09284368)

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