CEO Welcome
CEO of Invictus Education Trust - Edward Vitalis

Welcome to the Invictus Education Trust.
It is easy to talk about multi-academy trusts in terms of size and numbers, and we are proud to educate thousands of children and young people from nursery through to sixth form across a family of seven schools and a post-16 provision.
Yet, talking about MATs in terms of scale does not truly reflect the type of organisation that they are.
When our Trust was established in 2015, the founding principle was one of collaboration. In short, there was a recognition that more could be achieved collectively rather than individually.
This ethos has remained at the core of our Trust ever since – and a great deal has been achieved during this time. We help students find and explore their talents, staff thrive in their roles and our schools play an ever-growing importance in their communities.
Like a novel, however, every Trust reaches the end of one chapter before starting a new page. As our Trust is shortly about to celebrate our tenth anniversary, Invictus is in the process of evolving as we write the next chapter in our journey.
Collaboration will always remain the overarching theme, but we are reimaging how we help everyone in our community to grasp their aspirations in the ever-changing world in which we live and work.
Alongside this innovation and best practice, we will provide a high quality, forward looking and caring experience that enables potential to be fulfilled. That is why Invictus is such an exciting place to be.
Edward Vitalis