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Teach First Leading Together Programme

Teach First Leading Together Programme

Teach First Career Leader

Teach First Career Leader

"Providing help to evaluate your current provision, create a long-term
strategy and implement a small-scale in-year project for your
school. One-to-one support from a Teach First careers expert will
help your whole school progress towards the Gatsby Benchmarks.
Modules have been developed by experts from
different sectors. They combine personalised
support, online learning and face-to-face training
(depending on government guidance). Leaders will
learn to build careers into the curriculum and train
their colleagues to deliver it – so the benefits extend
throughout your school, for years to come.



National Professional Qualification for Executive Leadership (NPQEL) – for school leaders who are, or are aspiring to be, an executive headteacher or have a school trust CEO role with responsibility for leading several schools.



National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) – for school leaders who are, or are aspiring to be, a headteacher or head of school with responsibility for leading a school.



National Professional Qualification for Senior Leadership (NPQSL) – for school leaders who are, or are aspiring to be, a senior leader with cross-school responsibilities.



National Professional Qualification for Leading Teaching (NPQLT) – for teachers who have, or are aspiring to have, responsibilities for leading teaching in a subject, year group, key stage or phase.



National Professional Qualification for Leading Behaviour and Culture (NPQLBC) – for teachers who have, or are aspiring to have, responsibilities for leading behaviour and/or supporting pupil wellbeing in their school.



"National Professional Qualification for Leading Teacher Development
(NPQLTD) – for teachers who have, or are aspiring to have, responsibilities for
leading the development of other teachers in their school. They may have
responsibilities for the development of all teachers across a school or specifically
trainees or teachers who are early in their career. "



To become an SLE, you need to have been in a Leadership role other than headteacher for at least 2 years. Your headteacher will be asked to confirm that you are in an appropriate role. Higher level teaching assistants are not eligible to apply. You do not need to be in an outstanding scholl or a school that is part of a teaching alliance, but your school will need to have the capacity to release you to work in other schools. You must have at least one specialism from the 'areas of expertise list', which are based on the areas of focus in the Ofsted Common Inspection Framework (September 2018)

Invictus Forensic Reading for non-specialists

Invictus Forensic Reading for non-specialists

The purpose of forensic reading is to make our students better readers, as well as more articulate, confident and informed about a range of topics relevant to their lives. The course is designed to strengthen the delivery of Forensic Reading for non-specialist teachers, building their confidence in the course content and its application. This in turn will increase students’ confidence in reading and comprehension, especially when discussing unseen texts, by exposing them to works from within and beyond the literary canon, boost students’ vocabulary by explicitly teaching new and challenging vocabulary and create curious, critical readers who ask questions of texts and become more articulate by developing informed opinions on contemporary issues.

Invictus Oracy Training

Invictus Oracy Training

Oracy is to speaking what numeracy is to mathematics or literacy is to reading and writing. In short, it's nothing more than being able to express yourself well. It's about having the vocabulary to say what you want to say and the ability to structure your thoughts so that they make sense to others. This course develops teachers ability to implement oracy based activities into their classrooms, implicitly teaching key vocabulary and learning to debate the big and small enquiry questions from each lesson.

Invictus DSL network

Invictus DSL network

Network meetings offered to Safeguarding leads across schools to support their role, ensuring that they are up to date with statutory duties, systems and processes. They will provide key safeguarding local and national updates.

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