We have some fabulous news to share with our community! This morning we received confirmation from the Department for Education that we have been selected as one of only 50 schools NATIONWIDE to be part of the 'School Rebuilding Programme'. The programme will see £1 BILLION shared across the 50 schools, meaning we will benefit from a significant rebuild to compliment the brand new block. The project was announced by the Secretary of State for Education, Rt. Hon. Gavin Williamson back in June 2020, and following a robust analysis of our school we were delighted to be selected for investment! Mr Tony Bowles, Chief Executive Officer of Invictus Education Trust added: "We are a very close community, and sharing the news with our Trust colleagues and board this morning has really shown that, we are all so happy for Gemma and her team, and what this project will mean to Wombourne and wider community. Our two South Staffordshire schools are making great strides with both Kinver High School & Wombourne High School becoming a very popular choice, this news is another piece in the jigsaw in terms of offering the very best for our students" More information about the project can be found here: https://schoolsweek.co.uk/revealed-the-50-school-rebuilding-projects-selected-to-split-1bn-capital-cash/ We will share more details with you as soon as we have them.